Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Maylie's first picture she drew all by herself. She says it's a dog.
Maylie always wanted to be Cinderella. This was taken at Cox's Farm. We went there for a field trip with her preschool friends. They had a lot of slids and farm animals. We got to see how a cow is milked and ate free apples that were so crispy. We also got to take home a free pumpkin.


Hillary said...

Hey jana! I saw your blog and had to say hi. I hope you guys are loving it out in DC. I about peed my pants when I saw the picture of Maylie at Cox Farms - I worked there when I was like 14. Love that place!

"The Savages" said...

They grow up quick! She's so cute- I love her smile!

Jana said...

cute picture. janies look like that too. they think alike.